ifなし仮定法を見抜こう! その2

では、if なし仮定法を見抜く目安を再確認します。

*現在の文脈に、突然、「would / could / might / should + 原形」が登場する

*現在や過去の文脈に、突然、「would / could / might / should + have + 過去分詞」が登場する


were + S + ….. / had + S + 過去分詞 / should + S + 原形
were it not for + ….. / had it not been for + …..


1 Were it not for much rain, Japan would be one of the most comfortable countries to live in.


*were it not for で始まり、would be もある⇒仮定法だとわかる。
*were it not for much rain = if it were not for much rain

2 We dream of two events occurring simultaneously when in reality they could not possibly occur at the same time.


*dream という「現在」の流れに、could not possibly occur が登場⇒仮定法だとわかる。
*in reality に「仮定」の気持ちが入っている。⇒「もし、現実の世界であれば」という条件

3 I am certain I could have performed twice the labor, both better and with greater ease to myself, had I known so much of the laws of health and life at twenty-one, as I do now.


*現在形のamの後に、could have performed があり、さらに後にhad I known がある⇒仮定法だとわかる。

*had I known=if I had known=もし、知っていたならば

4 He was, I take it, the most perfect reasoning and observing machine that the world has seen, but as a lover he would have placed himself in a false position.


*was, take, has seen, と現在や過去の中に、would have placed ⇒仮定法だとわかる。

*as a lover =恋人としては⇒「もしホームズが誰かの恋人になったら」という条件

5 People often ask me why I chose medical profession. I answer simply, “I just couldn’t help it. I seem to have been for such work. Perhaps I should have been a miserable failure at anything else.”


*ask, chose, answer, couldn’t, seemの中に、shoul have been が登場⇒仮定法だとわかる。

*at anything else に「仮定」の気持ちが入っている⇒「なにか別の職業を選んでいたら」という条件

6 Courage, it seems to me, is simply something that helps logic from working, allows a recklessness to operate which ordinarily would be termed foolishness.


*seems, is, helps, allows という「現在」の流れに、would be が登場⇒仮定法だとわかる。

*ordinarily に「仮定」の気持ちが入っている⇒「もし、通常であれば」という条件

7 I envied him his gift for languages. How I should have loved to have that ease with which he learned or seemed to learn one language after another.


*envied, learned, seemed という「過去」の中に、should have loved が登場⇒「仮定法」だとわかる。
*to have that ease 以下に「仮定」の気持ちが入っている⇒「もし、自分が彼のように易々と言語を習得することができたら」という条件

8 Just as the destruction by fire of his papers was complete, Newton opened the chamber door, and perceived that the labors of twenty years were reduced to a heap of ashes. There stood little Diamond, the author of all the mischief. Almost any other man would have sentenced the dog to immediate death.


*was, opened, were, stood という「過去」の中に、would have sentenced が登場⇒「仮定法」だとわかる。
*Almost any other man に「仮定」の気持ちが入っている⇒「ニュートン以外の他の人間であったならば」という条件