入試英文でボキャ増強(英標 問題110 その2)


6 Men who would not believe what other men thought they ought to believe have been buried, or drowned, or forced to deny what they thought to be true.

believe (v) = 信じる、信頼する、確信する=trust, be sure of, be certain of, think, presume, suppose, assume
belief (n) = 信じること、信念、信仰、確信=confidence, trust, faith, conviction, opinion, view, assumption,impression
believable (adj) = 信じられる、信用できる=acceptable, credible, imaginable, reliable, probable, likely
unbelievable (adj) = 信じられない、度外れの、素晴らしい、驚くべき=incredible, unthinkable, unimaginable, impossible, astonishing

I have complete belief in my friends.
The story is hardly believable.
She found the results unbelievable.

bury (v) = 埋める、埋葬する、忘れる=hide, conceal, cover, entomb, inhume
burial (n) = inhumation, funeral, entombment, interment, rites

drown (v) = 溺れ死ぬ、溺死させる、水浸しにする、かき消す

The fish was drowned in a rich sauce.

force (v) = 強いて~させる、無理に~する、押しつける=oblige, compel, make, push, press, drive, urge, impel, impose
force (n) = 力、強さ、暴力、勢い、影響力、軍、効力=energy, power, vigor, strength, might, impact, pressure, effect, army
forceful (adj) = 力強い、説得力のある=ppowerful, strong, dynamic, intense, vigorous, energetic
forced (adj) = 強いられた、無理な、不時の=compelled, unwilling, obligatory, obliged, involuntary, artificial, affected
forcible (adj) = 強制的な、不法の、強力な、有効な=forceful, active, effective, compelling, persuasive, powerful, aggressive
forcibly (adv) = 強制的に、不法に、力ずくで=by force, compulsorily, coercively, powerfully, vigorously, effectively

Bad weather forced us to call off the camping.
The police used force to overpower the demonstrators.
Her speech was brief but forceful.
The bridge was built with forced labor.
There was no sign of forcible entry.
Supporters were forcibly removed from the court.

deny (v) = 否定する、否認する、拒む=contradict, refute, disaffirm, disclaim, refuse, disallow
denial (n) = 否定、否認、拒否=rejection, refusal, disowning

I can’t deny his remarks hurt me.
His denial of the petition caused the students to rebel.

7 In most places at some time, at most times in some place, some men have been afraid to speak their thoughts, and at all times in all places there have been many who accepted the values of their societies without bothering to think about them at all.

be afraid to do = 怖くて~できない、~するのが怖い
be afraid of ~ = ~をおそれている、~が心配である
*偶発的なことをおそれる場合に、「be afraid of ~」のほうが好まれる。
I don’t like to drive fast because I’m afraid of crashing.

accept (v) = 受け入れる、受け取る、同意する、引き受ける=admit, adopt, approve, acquire, obtain, acknowledge, affirm
acceptance (n) = 受け入れ、受諾、承諾、信奉、支持=admission, adoption, approval, assent, belief, receipt, securing
acceptable (adj) = 受け入れられる、容認できる、無難な、満足できる=proper, suitable, satisfactory, adequate, worthy, fair

This machine only accepts coins.
Social acceptance is important for most young people.
We want a political solution that is acceptable to all parties.

value (n) = 価値、価値観、値打ち、評価、真義、重要性=benefit, importance, merit, profit, worth, cost, rate, ethics, principles
value (v) = 評価する、値をつける、見積もる、尊重する=assess, estimate, evaluate, account, appreciate, cherish, esteem
valuable (adj) = 価値のある、高価な、有益な、貴重な=important, prized, profitable, valued, costly, expensive, precious

The value of regular exercise should not be underestimated.
I really value Bill as a friend.
This book provides valuable information on recent trends.