簡単な英文「He sent his brother a birthday gift.」を元ネタにして、どんどん英文を作っていきます。
He didn’t send his brother a birthday gift.
Did he send his brother a birthday gift?
Isogai sent his wife a birthday gift.
Kawaguchi didn’t send his wife a birthday card.
Did you send your sister a Christmas present?
Tomimoto will send his girlfriend a birthday gift.
Will you send your boss a winter gift?
He will send his son a skateboard tomorrow.
She won’t send her husband a birthday gift this year.
Okaya has just sent his son a new soccer ball.
元の英文がSVOOなので、動詞も第四文型を作るもの( give / buy )に入れ替えてみましょう。
He gave his brother a birthday gift.
He didn’t give his brother a birthday gift.
Did he give his brother a birthday gift last year?
He will send his boss a summer gift.
She sends her colleagues winter gifts every year.
He bought his brother an expensive watch.
She didn’t buy her mother a birthday gift.
Did you buy your son a birthday gift?
He will buy his daughter a new laptop.
Okaya has just bought his wife a new coat.
*短い英文を作るのに慣れてきたら、等位接続詞「 and / but / soなど 」を使って、短文に短文を張り付けていきましょう。
Kanai gave me a bottle of whiskey, and I sent him a red wine.
I sent Okaya a bottle of red wine, but he never gave me anything.
Isogai bought his wife a new car, so she was pleased with it.
Kawaguchi gave Sophia all his love, and she loved him so much.
He will send his sister a birthday gift, and she also wants to buy him a nice present.
I didn’t send my brother a birthday gift, and he didn’t send me one.
Higashida didn’t give his girlfriend a birthday gift, so she got furious and decided to leave him.
We gave Mr.Kasugai a lot of trouble, but he still cared for us, so we liked him very much.
I gave Okaya a summer gift, and Isogai sent him a lot of fresh fruit, but Okaya never sent us anything, so Isogai and I got angry and called him names in front of friends.
I like Okaya very much, but sometimes I want to make a little fun of him, so some of the sentences above do not present a clear picture of what Okaya is, and I would like to apologize to him here.
上の短文貼り付け練習の上から7番目の英文に、「she got furious」とあります。
furious = very angry
つまり、she got furious = she got very angryということです。
I’ve never been so furious in all my life.
A furious clerk chased the children out of the store.
Gina was furious with him for leaving the baby alone in the house.
Walter came home furious at something his boss had said.
「furious」を頭の中で「very angry」と処理して、日本語に訳さずに、全文を理解しましょう。
ただ、AI活用の場合、質問の時に、「英語で=in English」と念押しをしないと、「和訳された定義」が出てくるかもです。