アイリーン・アドラーとホームズでボキャ増強 4

6 He was, I take it, the most perfect reasoning and observing machine that the world has seen, but as a lover he would have placed himself in a false position.

ここの、I take it の take は「~ととらえる・理解する・みなす」ぐらいの意味です。
She took what he said as a compliment.
How am I supposed to take that remark?

perfect (adj) = 完全な、理想的な、正確な、最適の=absolute, complete, entire, excellent, ideal, supreme, accurate, precise, superb
perfect (v) = 完全にする、完成する、熟達させる=accomplish, achieve, complete, finish, realize, develop, elaborate
perfectly (adv) = 完全に、申し分なく、ほんとうに=absolutely, completely, entirely, totally, ideally, admirably, faultlessly
perfection (n) = 完全、完璧、仕上げ、極致、理想=completeness, exactness, excellence, integrity, maturity, precision, purity

As a musician, he has spent years perfecting his techniques.
To be perfectly honest, I didn’t want to go anyway.
Her performance was perfection.

reason (n) = 理由、理屈、道理、理性、思考力、分別=intellect, logic, mind, sense, understanding, explanation, cause, aim, end, purpose
reason (v) = 推論する、推理する、論じる、論証する、説きつける=conclude, deduce, infer, resolve, solve, think, work out
reasonable (adj) = 合理的な、道理をわきまえた、正当な、手ごろな=logical, practical, rational, sensible, acceptable, fair, fit

I’d like to know the reason why you’re so late.
I tried to reason with her, but she wouldn’t listen.
Any reasonable person would have done exactly as you did.

observe (v) = 観察する、監視する、気づく、遵守する、挙行する=watch, monitor, study, detect, notice, perceive, follow, obey, adhere to, comply, conform to
observation (n) = 観察、注目、監視、観察力、観測=monitoring, notice, examination, review, scrutiny, surveillance, remark
observance (n) = 遵守、遵奉、儀式、式典=attention, compliance, fulfilment, celebration, heeding, honoring

Will the rebels observe the ceasefire?
He has outstanding powers of observation.

place (v) = 置く、配置する、任じる、任命する、ゆだねる=put, set, rest, lay, locate, plant, position, arrange, classify, order
place (n) = 場所、建物、空間、余地、家、部屋、箇所、部分=area, site, spot, district, region, position, rank, post, house, home

His resignation placed me in a difficult position.
She broke her arm in three places.

false (adj) = 間違った、偽の、不正の、虚偽の、不誠実な、仮の=wrong, mistaken, incorrect, fake, artificial, deceptive, misleading, dishonest
falsehood (n) = うそ、偽り、虚偽、欺瞞=lie, untruth, story, fabrication, fiction

He gave false information to the insurance company.
Daniel is deliberately telling a falsehood.